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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Using autodiscover for SQL Server in BOC / BLOC

When setting up new clients, sometimes the hardest part is remembering where the BOC/BLOC SQL server is.  If you use our default credentials you can create a DNS record, a new client will auto search out and populate the server info with.


use and obviously switch out the part for your actual domain.



If you have this record set up, installing new clients is a breeze.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Handling Multiple Calls

By default, our application allows you to multitask.

For example, you can take a call, put it on hold, take another call, and transfer the first call while speaking to the second caller.
This is something you could not do with the actual phone itself.

You just need to select the call in the MyCalls box that you want to control.  The default is the original call taken.
If you want to transfer the one you are talking to, click on that call.

Simply make certain you click on the particular call you are intending on performing an action on.

If you do not select properly, a common outcome is the wrong call is transferred and the remaining call is hung up.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Upgrading the CallManager in a BOC Deployment

The basics of upgrading CallManager with a BOC deployment are as follows.
  • Ensure that you are current on the BOC TAPI2 Connector service.
  • In the Windows Services tool
    • Stop the BOCWatchdog service and set to disabled
    • Stop the BOC Tapi Connector and set to disabled
    • Stop any BOC options you may have, such as Exchange or Lync Connectors.
  • Upgrade the Cisco TSP following the Cisco documentation for your new version of CallManager.  This may be a simple upgrade if the versions are close.  However, it may require and uninstallation and reinstall of the new version if they are too far apart.
  • Reboot the BOC Server.
  • Run Microsoft Dialer.  (Start->Run->Dialer.exe)
    • Verify you see Cisco devices in the "Connect Using" pull down

  • Use Windows Event Viewer Application Log to identify any issues. 
  • Once Cisco devices are showing in Dialer, you can go back into Windows Services tool and re-enable the Bridge OC services.  You can manually start each of them, or reboot a final time to start everything once again. 
Very often with the upgrades to CUCM 10.5.2 and beyond, we have gotten reports that the Cisco TSP does not upgrade or re-configure successfully.  If you find this to be the case, you can use our TSP troubleshooting tips found here.
Repairing Cisco Tsp Installation

How to hide CID info on certain users

This article describes how to blind the CID visibility of certain users from BOC users, while allowing them to still see the user is on the phone.

Step 1

Open BOC Phone System settings on the server.

Step 2

Click Settings and then Security and Permission Settings

Step 3

Find the section below and add the selected users to hide. When finished, close the program and restart the BOC clients.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Existing install and SQL has a red X.

Check the Windows Event logs.
Often times the SQL service logon account getting disabled is the root cause.
One quick fix to get online is to change the SQL server service to a Local System Account.

Troubleshooting XMPP or CUPS integration

  • Unless you have a legimate SSL certificate on your CUPS server
    (not a built in self-signed cert)
    You will need to disable TLS.

    CUPS -> System -> Security Settings -> uncheck "Enable XMPP Client to CUP Secure Mode"
  • username has to be in the form of
  • Verify DNS records for BOTH server and client.
    You can test using these commands from a DOS prompt
    • nslookup
    • set q=SRV
    • _xmpp-server._tcp.<your internal domain name>
      There should be Service Location Records for both pointing to the fqdn of the CUPS server, NOT the IP address.
  • Create the records using normal DNS tools using these detail.
    • _xmpp-server  Port 5269
    • _xmpp-client    Port 5222
If using a Microsoft DNS server, the additions will look similar to this.

AXL updates failing

If the AXL lookup fails and the username and communications tests pass try this.

In IE, try opening
https://<cucm ip>/axl

You should be prompted for authentication and/or redirected to http://<cucm ip>:8443/axl
After success authentication (use BOC-Admin or a valid ccm user), you should be presented with verbiage regarding AXL use.

If you get page cannot be displayed, something is manipulating web traffic.
Frequently that is a proxy server configuration.

A possible work-around is to go into Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Connections -> LAN Settings  -> Advanced
Enter in the various CallManager urls for bypass.

BOC Connector Service remains in Start Pending state

This is usually caused by the Telephony service not running.

Please start it and set its startup type to Automatic.

If this does not fix the issue check the windows event viewer application logs for details about why the BOC Tapi Connector is not starting.

Calls not showing up in Parking Lot in Console

Symptoms: The client is running in hybrid mode, the operator parks a call, the call does not appear in the Parking Lot on the screen.

This is typically caused by the Connector service being stopped on the Connector server.  Restart the BOC Connector service.

Verify that the Watchdog service is set to Automatic and Started.
Verify that the Telephony service is set to Automatic and Started.

How to export settings from Cisco Legacy Attendant Console to import into BOC

According to Cisco KB Document K25073648

To get the operator workstation to create the export XML file for the operator called a1, follow these steps.

1) Launch the console and login as a1.
2) The console launches and lists all of the speed dials created for a1.
3) Remove the PC from the network and close the console.
4) Choose the Program Files > Cisco > Call manager attendant console > Data folder and find the a1.xml file.
5) Reconnect the PC to the network.

More information can be found here

Disable Caller ID CID on an individual workstation

CallerID display can be disabled on an individual workstation without the Admin Tools being implemented.

1.  Go into the HKCU\Software\Bridge Communications\BOC registry key.

2.  In there change the DisableCIDVisibity to 1, and relaunch the client.

This user will still be able to see their own CID, but no one else's.  This should not be considered highly secure.  As the end user does have access to change this key if they have access to the proper tools.  If a higher level of security is desired, the Admin Tools can enable login security for the enterprise.