Cookies CSS

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Configuring Queue Scripts

You can enable BOC to pop up a script for the operator to follow based on the call queue in which the call arrives.

This will require you to provide web server resources to host your script. 
If access to offsite operators is not required, this script can be full hosted inside the organization for added security.
The URL configured need only be accessible by the operator workstation.

This allows you create a rich script experience with fonts, pictures and even external URL links for cascading procedure steps.

From the Bridge License Portal, you can perform this configuration for your organization.  No local workstation configuration is required.

The first step is to choose the Queue for which you want the script to apply.

Secondly, you will need to enter the entire URL to directly access the script you want to display to the operator when a call comes into that queue.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Ringcentral: Installing BOC as a PWA in Chrome

  You can install BOC as a PWA in Edge.  This will bundle the application and make it act like a traditional installed Windows application.

The first step is to launch the application website and sign in as you normally would.

Then follow these steps.

NOTE: Chrome has two methods.  The first one, using the Install option may be restricted in your organization by policy.  Then you would use the second method.  You do not need to do both.

The Second Method

RingCentral: Installing BOC as a PWA in Edge

 You can install BOC as a PWA in Edge.  This will bundle the application and make it act like a traditional installed Windows application.

The first step is to launch the application website and sign in as you normally would.

Then follow these steps.

When these steps are complete, you will have an icon on the desktop that you can click to launch like any other application.  It will also appear in the taskbar as a separate application.

Friday, February 17, 2023

RingCentral: Repairing file association for ParkFor adaptive cards

For the Adaptive Card click to retrieve a Parked call to work correctly, the RingCentral app has to have been run once, on the computer signed in as the Operator.

On occasion, a condition can occur where the file association gets lost.

This can be repaired by making a repair.reg file in the form below.  Note, you will need to change the name to match the login name of the operator.  The filename is unimportant but must end in .reg

Create this repair.reg file, modifying the name and import it as the operator.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"URL Protocol"=""



@="\"C:\\Users\\yourusername\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\RingCentral\\RingCentral.exe\" \"%1\""


Friday, September 30, 2022

RingCentral: Deploying MIRC


We will need the most minimal of server built.

You can build a Linux or Windows Server with the minimal recommend hardware resources for each platform.

We will show the steps for Debian Linux and Windows 2019.  You can adjust as necessary for your chosen platform.


You must be at NodeJS version 10.5 or higher.
On Linux, do NOT make a user called MIRC.  It is a reserved name.  We suggest mirc-admin for a username.

From a command prompt on your Linux server, execute the following commands
  •     sudo wget
  •     sudo chmod +x
  •     ./
  •     cd  /home/mirc
  •     sudo nano .env
Proceed to Common Config below to gather the bits to populate the .env file


You will need to install NodeJS.  We recommend using the most current LTS edition (Long Term Support). 
Verify the current version number at

NodeJS 16.1.1

Download the following zip file and extract into a folder

From an elevated NodeJS command prompt, execute the following commands.

  • c:
  • cd  \mirc
  • npm install dotenv
  • npm install node-windows
  • npm install @ringcentral/sdk --save
  • npm install @ringcentral/subscriptions --save
  • node install-windows
  • notepad .env

Proceed to Common Config below to gather the bits to populate the .env file

Common Config

When the hosting server has been installed, you will need to obtain 2 pieces.

1. Your Microsoft Tenant ID, obtained upon authorizing the application
        Authorize the Azure AD application

2. A RingCentral JWT
       Create a RingCentral JWT

    You will need to identify our application in your JWT configuration and allow usage.
        Our application client ID is:  2MxdWMv_RFihrECG3N5vRg

When the JWT configuration is completed, you will need your JWT id to put in the .env file below.

Put these two bits of information will be put in their respective spots in the following file.





Reboot your new MIRC server.  Everything should start automatically without a need to log in.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

RingCentral: Delayed or missing Calls In Queue dialog box.

 If you are not seeing the Calls In Queue window popping when there are calls in queue and you have verified that you are a member of that queue to be an eligible agent, ensure that the time on the PC is correct.  If it is off, you will experience delays in this screen populating.  This delay will be equal to the time drift of the PC.  If the clock is off by 2 minutes, the Calls In Queue window will not populate for 2 minutes.  

Thursday, May 26, 2022

RingCentral: Licensing

You can manage your RingCentral licenses in our license management portal.

 Bridge License Management

You will log into the portal using your RingCentral credentials.

Permission to log in is based on your RingCentral role permissions. 
We get all of our “rights” from the user’s role at Ring Central.

At a minimum, your role must have purchasing permission.

Common RingCentral predefined roles would be Billing Admin or Super Admin

If you do not wish to use one of those predefined roles, you will have to create your own role, with the rights listed below.

The user must have one of the following permissions…

Account Administration       AccountAdministration

Device Orders                    DeviceOrdering

Payment Method                EditPaymentMethod

Billing Information              EditServicePlanInfo

Roles                                  EditUserRoles

Payment Method                PaymentMethod

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

RingCentral: Preparing for selective call queue pickup


Bridge Operator Console allows an operator to select a specific call from a call queue.  Sometimes this function is called "cherry picking". 
This will also allow the operator to continue to take calls out of a call queue even though they may already have a queue call on hold.

This function does require that the operator is a member of the Queue Pickup Group for any queue they want to pick from.  This is configured in the RingCentral service portal. 

Here is a link to that configuration step.

Setting up Call Queue Pickup Groups

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

RingCentral: Repairing Token Process

As a result of recent browser security changes, we needed to institute a new method for the periodic renewal of the security token between the browser and RingCentral.  The new method utilizes a browser pop up.  For this new method to work, you must not block pop ups from the website.
We also recommend logging out of the console at the end of each day.

Also, you should do a force reload of the website to ensure that any previous blocks have not prevented the new code from being downloaded.

Follow the steps below to complete this process.

1. Sign into the Bridge Operator Console for RingCentral.

2. Go into Settings.  Search for "pop-ups".  Follow the links as shown to add/change our website so that pop-ups are allowed.

3. While holding down the Shift Key, press the F5 key.  This should prompt a reload and require you to login once again.  If it does not, the browser did not recognize the command and you will need to do it manually.  This process is pretty similar between Chrome and Edge.
The graphics below will show the steps in each browser.



Monday, January 31, 2022

RingCentral: Configuring Google App for BOC RingCentral integration

To enable Google integration in the BOC Application, you will need to configure a Google App.
This only needs to be done once per organization.  This is normally done by your Google Administrator.

Sign into your Google Cloud Platform administration page.

You will need to enable the Admin SDK API and the Google People API.


Google People API

API Keys

OAuth 2.0 Client IDs

Authorized JavaScript origins

Authorized redirect URIs

BOC Settings

When the above is completed, you can
gather the Client ID and the API Key and paste them into your console settings.

Once you have entered the Google App Client ID and the Google App API Key you can click Save App Settings. Then you can enable it by moving the slider to the right.
Shortly after moving the slider, you will get a Google authentication prompt.
You must use an email address that has a valid Google account. It does not have to match the RingCentral login used to sign into the application.

This prompt will likely happen a second time as the API is initialized.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

RingCentral: Troubleshooting Answering Calls

Ensure have a working headset and a microphone connected to the PC?

Often times, people do not have the headset properly connected. 

When this happens, RingCentral does not consider it a valid endpoint and you cannot answer or place calls.

Ensure that you have not denied access to the microphone in the browser.

Troubleshooting MIC in Chrome

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

RingCentral: Configuring Microsoft Teams support

You can configure the Bridge Operator Console to provide visibility into your Microsoft Teams environment.  We can provide two levels of visibility.  The most basic is simply access to the user list and users' presence.  The second, deeper level, is visibility to the users' calendar status.  With the calendar access, by default, we present a "blinded view".  Meaning, the operator can see when a user is available next, but not what their specific activities are.  It is similar to Free/Busy.

The first User one, is required for any Teams visibility and must be done before the second Calendar one can be done.

The first step is, for a M365 administrator to authorize access for the BOC application to have visibility to your M365 organization.  This happens at an application level and does not "elevate" an operator to any additional rights beyond their normal M365 rights.  These rights are not usable outside of our application.

This is done, one time, from our website.

After this has been completed, the BOC Console can be configured to use these new rights.

  • Microsoft 365 Login is the first step.  Do this BEFORE trying to enable any of the other functions.

  • Show MS Teams Presence will enable a column indication Teams Presence for all users
    (See #1 below).

  • MS Teams Chat will enable BOC to send chat messages via Teams rather than the RingCentral chat function.

  • Show All MS Teams Groups will bring the groups defined in Teams into the BOC Console.

  • No Microsoft Groups will filter out the user groups defined in Microsoft Azure AD.

  • Add Group Filters will define the specific Groups to display.   This is useful for large organizations where an operator may only be concerned with a subsection of the company.