Cookies CSS

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Direct Transfer to Voicemail is not working

What happens when you try the direct transfer to VM?
Does it go to the wrong place, or nothing happens at all?

What is your direct transfer to VM dial pattern directly from a phone?

The default direct transfer to Voicemail sequence is *+extension.

So for extension 5501, you would be able to direct transfer to voicemail on the phone by pressing the Transfer Button and then *5501 and then transfer again.

Verify in the BOC client settings that you have the proper Voicemail Prepend set.  
The default is *

Monday, March 23, 2015

Faster BLOC Response group reports

The Lync/Skype4b lcsCDR database is missing some indexes by default that can speed up the reports included with it.  To add those indexes you should run the following.

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_CdrRGSUsage_MissingIX] ON [dbo].[SessionDetails]
 [ReplacesDialogIdTime] ASC,
 [ReplacesDialogIdSeq] ASC,
 [MediaTypes] ASC

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_CdrRGSUsage_MissingIX2] ON [dbo].[SessionDetails]
 [CorrelationId] ASC,
 [MediaTypes] ASC

Monday, March 16, 2015

Configuring Hybrid Mode

In Sockets mode, all communications are passed thru our TAPI2 Connector.
Sockets mode is indicated by the red socket in the lower left corner.
In Sockets mode, there is no Phone/Line count, so zeros here are normal.

Sockets Mode

In Hybrid mode, tasks that can be made faster using our server, go thru the Connector.
Realtime tasks can go directly to the CallManager.

Hybrid mode is indicated by the green leaf in the lower left corner.

Hybrid Mode

To achieve Hybrid mode, you need the Cisco TSP installed.
This should be done logged in as a user with local admin rights.
We have seen inconsistent results trying to use the Windows RunAs procedure rather than a full admin login.
We recommend using the full login route.
You can do this manually using the normal Cisco TSP installation procedure.
This is documented in the BOC TAPI2 Connector install document.
The username will be the one you created for the TAPI2 Connector.
Typically this is BOC-Admin.

However, an much easier way is to use our 1Click TSP Installer.
This is located under the Help Menu in the BOC Console application.
It automates the Cisco TSP installation process.
There is no need for the person doing the installation to have access to the passwords.
The 1Click pulls the username and password from the BOC TAPI2 Connector.
*The TAPI2 server must be up and functional.
We still recommend that this be run as a user with local admin rights.

The 1Click TSP Installer cannot fix a broken non-functional TSP install.
If you already have the TSP installed and it is not working, we recommend uninstalling it before attempting a 1Click install.

Microsoft Dialer is a great test tool to see if the TSP is functioning.
When you run Dialer, pull down the Connect Using menu.
You should see your Cisco extensions listed in there.
If you do not see Cisco devices, the TSP is not installed/configured correctly.

If you are having difficulty with the Cisco TSP and want to force the console into Sockets mode, you can set the value of the following registry key to 1.  The value of 0 is the default for automatic detection of the Cisco TSP.  This is a per user setting.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bridge Communications\Bridge Operator Console 3\ForceSocketMode

Friday, March 13, 2015

Changing CallManager IP address

If you change the IP Address of the BOC dependent CallManager there are a few settings to adjust.

  1. On the machine hosting the BOC TAPI2 service, you must make the corresponding IP address change in the Cisco TSP.
  2. Within the BOC Phone System Settings, you will need to change the CallManager IP address in the CUCM settings section.
  3. If you have any BOC Consoles operating in hybrid mode, you will need to make the IP address change in the Cisco TSP installed on those machines.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Changing BOC Server IP Addressing

If the BOC database is located on the BOC Server and the clients are accessing it by IP address, you will need to change the BOC Console on the clients to point to the new IP.

If the database is located off box, a simple BOC server restart is sufficient. No settings changes to the client are necessary. Restart the BOC Client.

If the clients are accessing the database by DNS name, you simply need to change the DNS record and reboot the BOC clients.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Troubleshooting Web Services on Cisco telephone

In a standard web browser, you should be able to perform the following tasks.

http://<phone ip>
 Should display the phone configuration

http://<phone ip>/CGI/Screenshot
You will need to authenticate here with a CallManager username. (BOC-Admin)
This should display a picture of what is currently displayed on the phone.

If you get errors, usually it is related to the Auth URL Configuration on the CallManager.

This list provides possible CiscoIPPhoneError codes:

Error 0 = Authentication Failure error
Error 1 = Error parsing CiscoIPPhoneExecute object
Error 2 = Error framing CiscoIPPhoneResponse object
Error 3 = Internal file error
Error 4 = Authentication error
Error 5 = network error
Error 6 = timeout error

Unable to view Parked Calls.

When calls are not displayed in the parking lot there are 3 major places to check.

1) Verify there is not overlap in call park positions.  They must be unique across all partitions

2) Verify you are not using Clusterwide Clusterwide CallPark Number/Ranges
 (System->Service Parameters->CallManager Service -> Advanced Options)

3) Verify the BOC Connector server is up and functioning.properly.

4) Verify that park positions are numeric.  No * or # in the number.