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Friday, August 28, 2015

Setting up IP Phones in AD

You can mass update the IP Phone fields your Active Directory in a couple of easy steps.

Generically, here is what you will need to do.  There are several tools on the internet to assist.  We will attach a couple scripts as well.  Proceed carefully as all the normal AD warning apply.
  1. Export your AD account names to a CSV file with Powershell.
  2. Open in Excel and add a column for the ipPhone field it its missing.
  3. Remove any row entries that do not apply. aka Service accounts etc.
  4. Enter the appropriate DN for each name
  5. Delete any unnecessary columns such as the DisplayName Column.
  6. Delete the header line with column names in it.
  7. Save as a CSV.  example: c:\temp\ADUsersImport.csv
  8. Import the CSV to AD with Powershell.

SAMPLE Export Script (zero risk to anything.)
Change the highlighted text to your choice of export file name.

Get-ADUser -Filter {(Name -notlike "*(Administrator)")}  -Properties SamAccountName,DisplayName,ipPhone| Select-Object SamAccountName,DisplayName,ipPhone | export-csv -path c:\temp\ADUsersExported.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding "UTF8"

The exported file will look like this....

SAMPLE Excel Spreadsheet

SAMPLE CSV for Import

SAMPLE Import Script (Medium risk, make certain your data is clean)

Create a file with the following script named c:\temp\ipphoner.ps1

Import-Module ActiveDirectory 
$CSVPath = "c:\temp\ADUsersImport.csv"
$csvData = Import-CSV $CSVPath -delimiter "," -Header ("sAMAccountName","IPPhone")
foreach ($line in $csvData ) 
$accountTable = @{ 
'sAMAccountName'= $line.sAMAccountName 
'IPPhone'= $line.ipPhone 
ForEach($line in $csvData) 
$sAMAccountName = $line.sAMAccountName 
$ipphone = $line.ipPhone 
$Blank = ""
{ "modifying $($sAMAccountName) and adding $ipphone number " 
$SETIPPHONE.ipphone = $ipphone
Set-ADUser $sAMAccountName -Replace @{ipPhone=$ipphone} }

From the Windows Powershell prompt in a C:\Temp run the script.
This should update the iphhone field of all of the users in the CSV.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Error on (Full) when performing AXL Names Updates

You you receive errors similar to this when doing Names updates

You have enabled the Multi-tenant function.  This is only allowed in conjunction with a multi-tenant CallManager with Active Directory configured.

Troubleshooting Names Updating - AXL

Troubleshooting Names Updating - Active Directory

When you are having trouble with a missing or incorrect username on a DN and are configured for AXL, either Full or Names Only, here are some troubleshooting steps.

AXL information is automatically updated each night at midnight.  If the change was recent, you may get results by running Update AXL Now in Phone System Settings tool -> Device Names

  • Verify that the DN does appear.  In the Console, search for it by number.
  • If it is missing, 
    • Verify that it has not been Excluded from View using the Manage Exclusions menu option.
    • Ensure that the phone that it is configured for, has been added to the Controlled Devices group on CallManager for the BOC-Admin user.
  • If the DN appears but has the wrong name, follow these steps.
    • In BOC Phone System Settings, choose CUCM Settings.
      • Verify that the account information entered for AXL is correct and Test with your DN in the upper box in the middle section.
    • Go to Device Names settings
      • Enter the Extension in the Test box on the lower right quadrant.
        Press Test AXL Lookup.   Check the Windows Application Event log if a response is not displayed.
  • If you get a response and the name is incorrect, you have to correct it in End Users in CallManager.
  • If the response comes back correctly, run the following.
    • Update AXL Now

Troubleshooting Names Updating - Active Directory

When you are having trouble with a missing or incorrect username on a DN and are configured for Active Directory, here are some troubleshooting steps.

  • AD is automatically updated each night at midnight.  If the change was recent, you can get results by running Full LDAP Build followed by Update Names.
  • Verify that the DN does appear.  In the Console, search for it by number.
  • If it is missing, 
    • Verify that it has not been Excluded from View using the Manage Exclusions menu option.
    • Ensure that the phone that it is configured for, has been added to the Controlled Devices group on CallManager for the BOC-Admin user.
  • If the DN appears but has the wrong name, follow these steps.
    • In BOC Phone System Settings, choose Device Names Settings.
    • Verify that the account information entered for AD is correct and not locked out.
    • Enter the Extension in the Test box on the lower right quadrant.  Press Test LDAP Lookup.   Check the Windows Application Event log if a response is not displayed.
    • If you get a response and the name is incorrect, you have to correct it in Active Directory.
    • If the response comes back correctly, run the following.
      • Full LDAP Build
      • Update Names

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Preparing off box SQL

Create a database using SQL defaults.  Database name MUST be named BOC.
Set the recovery model to SIMPLE.
Create a SQL user and give it DBO rights over that database BOC.
It must be an actual SQL user and not an AD account.
A suggested name is BOC-ADMIN to stay in line with other settings.

When you install the application and give it the connection details, the application will build the rest of the database automatically.

We do not recommend replication on it since the data turns over so quickly which can severely impact both log file and WAN links.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Off Box SQL installation

We can utilize a SQL Server that is not co-located on the same server as the BOC TAPI2 Connector.
The basic database will need to be created manually prior to the install.
Here are the build out requirements.

  • Create a SQL User.  Normally we recommend the username, BOC-Admin
    We cannot use a Windows account.
  • Create a database using the default seeings named BOC (this name is required) 
    • Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    • Recovery Model: Simple
    • Do NOT replicate this database to other servers.
  • Set the new user BOC-Admin to be dbo on the database BOC

Monday, August 3, 2015

Firewall ports for Bridge Operator Console TAPI2 and LICC

We use CTI, AXL, HTTP and HTTPS plus two of our own proprietary ports.

Between the BOC TAPI2 Server and CUCM, we will need the following
  • TCP/2748             Cisco TSP
  • TCP/2749             Cisco TSP
  • TCP/8080             AXL
  • TCP/8443             AXL
  • TCP/443               HTTPS
  • TCP/80                 HTTP

If configured for LICC, between the BOC TAPI2 Server and Lync, we will need the following
  • TCP/18675             (can be changed)
  • TCP/18676             (can be changed)
  • TCP/15001             (can be changed)
  • TCP/443                 HTTPS
  • TCP/80                   HTTP


Between the BOC Client and BOC TAPI2 Server, we will need the following
  • TCP/18675             (can be changed)
  • TCP/1433               Microsoft SQL (can also be dynamic)
  • TCP/443                 HTTPS
  • TCP/80                   HTTP

Between the BOC Client and CUCM, if utilizing Hybrid mode, we will need the following
  • TCP/2748             Cisco TSP
  • TCP/2749             Cisco TSP