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Thursday, May 26, 2022

RingCentral: Licensing

You can manage your RingCentral licenses in our license management portal.

 Bridge License Management

You will log into the portal using your RingCentral credentials.

Permission to log in is based on your RingCentral role permissions. 
We get all of our “rights” from the user’s role at Ring Central.

At a minimum, your role must have purchasing permission.

Common RingCentral predefined roles would be Billing Admin or Super Admin

If you do not wish to use one of those predefined roles, you will have to create your own role, with the rights listed below.

The user must have one of the following permissions…

Account Administration       AccountAdministration

Device Orders                    DeviceOrdering

Payment Method                EditPaymentMethod

Billing Information              EditServicePlanInfo

Roles                                  EditUserRoles

Payment Method                PaymentMethod

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

RingCentral: Preparing for selective call queue pickup


Bridge Operator Console allows an operator to select a specific call from a call queue.  Sometimes this function is called "cherry picking". 
This will also allow the operator to continue to take calls out of a call queue even though they may already have a queue call on hold.

This function does require that the operator is a member of the Queue Pickup Group for any queue they want to pick from.  This is configured in the RingCentral service portal. 

Here is a link to that configuration step.

Setting up Call Queue Pickup Groups