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Friday, January 18, 2019

Error: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime

If you receive the error
String was not recognized as a valid DateTime
it is because the client is unable to connect to the BOC TAPI Connector to validate its license.
If all operators are affected, reboot the BOC TAPI Connector server.  Wait 10 minutes and ensure all of the BOC Services are started and then retest.
If it is a single station, with other operators able to work, it is a configuration issue.
Verify that the correct server is listed in the workstation registry key

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bridge Communications\Bridge Operator Console 3\ServerIP

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Gathering Google Chrome debug info

In some cases, it will be very helpful to our support team to provide them with the output file of the browser console.

To download the Google Chrome browser console file, do the following steps:

1. Open the console you're facing troubles with using Google Chrome browser.

2. Open the "Developer tools", as shown in the next figure

3. Click on the "Console" tab, right click on any place in the console content, and choose "Save as...", as shown in the next figure

4. Send the saved file to our support team.