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Friday, August 25, 2017

Bridge Operator Console for Skype for Business - Specs

BLOC Stand Alone - Recommended Hardware Specs

If you have a single operator install you may choose to run the software on the same machine as the client.  If this is the case you may use the recommended hardware specs below as a recommendation, although it may vary given the numbers of phones, activity, and other concurrently running applications on that machine.
Intel i5 Quad Core CPU
4GB of Memory
100GB of Free HD Space

BLOC Server - Recommended Hardware Specs

The BLOC Server provides Active Direcory and UCMA connections (Advanced Mode), and a MS SQL Database.  Here are the suggested build outs.   The roles change based on whether or not you deploy a Basic server or and Advanced Server. The server OS is dictated by the Skype for Business version.  Example, if you wish to run Windows 2016, you must be running Skype for Business with the CU5 applied.

Suggested Minimum Server Specifications

Number of LinesSQL ServervCPUsMemoryStorageNIC
Less than 500On Box22 GB100 GB C: ThinGigabit min.
Less than 500Off Box22 GB60 GB C: ThinGigabit min
500 - 2500On Box22 GB100 GB C: ThinGigabit min.
500 - 2500Off Box22 GB60 GB C: ThinGigabit min.
More than 2500On Box2+2 GB100 GB C: ThinGigabit min.
More than 2500Off Box2+2 GB60 GB C: ThinGigabit min.

* Servers may need additional resources with a high number of operators, or Executive Assistants..
Server can be either Physical or Virtual, although we prefer virtual, because it answer all of the high availability questions.  For the OS, you can run all of the latest Microsoft recommended service packs and hotfixes.  If you decide to install SQL Express on the box, there may be some MS required support software that needs to be installed.  Generally speaking, we are not very fussy on what is there as long as it is reasonably current.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Reset Default Actions

You can set a default action on either the Drag and Drop and the Double Click action.
Once chosen, the next time you perform the task, you will not receive a pop-up.  
The action will simply happen.

If you wish to reset and go back to the prompt, you can do that in the settings as indicated below.
Be sure to choose the Setting you wish to reset, and then click Reset to Default